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kaka003 2024-02-01

美名远扬网原创:下面是小编coco整理的关于:“关于拼图玩具店名英文修正 ”的名字,正在个性昵称的朋友快来挑选吧!

  请问Fun Toy Store这样当店名英文正确吗?如有错误可以提供正确翻译吗?如果是卖拼图类起家,应该取什么为好?

  请问Fun Toy Store这样当店名英文正确吗?正确,但是不够吸睛,真的像是卖82岁以上专用的玩具。

  Fun Toy Playground
  Fun Toy Arena
  Toy Stops

  如果是卖拼图类起家,应该取什么为好?Mystic Puzzleland

  Yes. That would work but toys are for fun anyway.....so...why people should go to your store and buy toys? Try to think about some other name that is more eye-catching.

  你公司中文名是什么或是你卖那些玩具通常取谐音的名较实在,美国有类似名子的店叫 "Big Fun" or "Big Fun Toys"。

  what kinda toys are you selling...there are different kinds of toys you know...lol

  are you selling sex toys or children toys?

  Puzzleland...why not call it la la land...lol...Ooops...just joking


  - Jigsaw Puzzle Pop

  - Brain Teaser Pop

  The reason I use "Pop" at the end coz jigsaw puzzles are kinda pop culture

  - Paradox Buzz

  *if you want to use jigsaw...make sure that word is not trademarked in your line of business category. Otherwise you will be sued.

  Toy is an object for children to play with, who were playing happily with their toys;
  Hence:-Play Toy Store.

  If puzzles for children , jigsaw for mystery, then try :-Puzzlement Store.

以上关于拼图玩具店名英文修正 的名字内容,由美名远扬网搜集整理分享。

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标签: 拼图玩具店名英文修正

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